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Pike Spearing


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I've been spear fishing with my dad, back when it was legal.

I eat a lot of Pike. Some think they're garbage fish.

People who don't appreciate pike are narrow minded anglers.

In the north, humans are a much greater threat to walleye than pike are. They get scapegoated.

Pike taste amazing,look cool,fight like champs,and are considered fresh water sharks.

I personally love them,and think they deserve respect.

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Due to the WEATHER ..... I think this year we will have a 30 day DIFFERENCE in the "Window of spawning".

(March 31 stop - till May / normal spawn in the regs)

The shame is:

I believe more of our adult (Breeding) stocks will be affected.

I would hope all fishermen take this into consideration when they are deciding whether to keep the fish.

NO BREEDING PARENTS= declined stocks

"Food for thought"


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The regs are published withthe "average" spawn times considered . I don't recall if the regs were ever adjusted to protect fish during a very early or late spawn due to extreme weather changes . I suppose it would be difficult to get the word out , so all they could do would post certain areas where there are heavy spawning runs to allow the fish to complete the cycle .

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Ha ha Mike , I have tasted rare steak and I wasn't impressed ....probably because the eyes could see the blood on the plate (not into vampire-ism) :crazy: . I have a few buds who like to eat meat very rare . One bud was asked by the waiter how he wanted his steak & he replied "I want to hear it moo" . ha ha I like my bacon crisp , my burgers well done, my eggs once over with hard yokes and fish ,nice and golden brown . :smiley_campfire-1:

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Well Smerch, at least we can agree on how we like our fish! lol

And regarding the spearing of Pike, am I mistaken or has this been abolished only recently in the Niagara area? It seems that it wasn't too many years ago that read a post about spearing still being legal in the area.

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30 years ago my grandad :crazy: took me out to the back of the farm at the crick.He showed me how to spear suckers..for fun!We used a 5 spiked spear on a piece of bamboo.We slaughtered many and just threw them on shore..for kicks! I continued this "sport" for a couple years until i turned 14 and realized i'm NUTS!! :crazy: Too late for hundereds of suckers though.Who does that kind of stuff??I'll tell you who..the same guy who tossed the styro worm containers into the lake!! Like i said I grew up lots 30 years ago and will pass down only good habits to others!damn it feels good getting that off!! I'm sure others have similar stories of shame


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30 years ago my grandad :crazy: took me out to the back of the farm at the crick.He showed me how to spear suckers..for fun!We used a 5 spiked spear on a piece of bamboo.We slaughtered many and just threw them on shore..for kicks! I continued this "sport" for a couple years until i turned 14 and realized i'm NUTS!! :crazy: Too late for hundereds of suckers though.Who does that kind of stuff??I'll tell you who..the same guy who tossed the styro worm containers into the lake!! Like i said I grew up lots 30 years ago and will pass down only good habits to others!damn it feels good getting that off!! I'm sure others have similar stories of shame



Well said.

I would like to think that "most of us" have gone through a "learning and awareness" curve.

I used to catch (and eat) bullfrogs and large Leopard frogs (Now the populations are either devasted or on a decline)

I used to call: suckers, catfish, carp .... GARBAGE FISH. (Now ... I understand their ALL IMPORTANT to the ecosystem)

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I was turned off spearing when a man at Baily Bridge offerd me some pike he speared. Seems he killed more than his fair share. If it was a matter of survival like if I got lost for days I wouldnt think twice but there are far too many anglers to call this kind of a harvest sustainable any more.

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Pike taste amazing,look cool,fight like champs,and are considered fresh water sharks.

I personally love them,and think they deserve respect.

Couldn't agree more! Pike are a great fighting fish and there's always excitement down to the very last minute of the fight.

I .m.o pike are better tasting than walleye .So to me I don't agree with spearing pike ..kinda cheating to me

Once you get rid of the dreaded Y bones, they're quite enjoyable.

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