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Sad Sight At Jordan Harbor Today...


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Hey Guys,

I don't know if anyone has been down to JH lately but i went today and saw (and smelt) some really nasty things. Along the rockwall closest to the QEW, i counted at least 12 dead fish in a 10m span... 3 bullheads, a big (10 pounder easily) Channel, and the rest were Carp of various sizes. They were all floating in the water, some very decayed, and some that looked fresh...

I'm hoping that it wasn't fishermen killing them and throwing them back in... BUT I also hope there isn't something wrong with the Harbor itself...

Anyone see anything similar while out there? Or have any idea what could be the cause of this? (Maybe I'm overreacting, but it seemed like alot of decent sized fish, all in one area)

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I am going to be there either on saturday or sunday I will let you know what I find. As floatman said it could be from spawning, and the current probably has a wash up point right in that 10m area. Did you notice anything wrong with the fish boils, blisters wierd discoloration if they werent to decomposted.

Also I have caught both carp and cats there and the only wierd thing I have seen was a lamprey hole, first fish to catch with one.

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Fish die offs in the vicinity of the harbour mouth are commonplace. Many coincide with the big mud plume after big storms. I've seen the marina littered with big jack perch. VHS die offs. Large numbers of carp littering the beach overnight.

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We have had a couple of extreme downpours this week and the Jordan area was hit hard also . This large volume of rain can change the water temp. quickly as well as carry farm runoff from far upstream which may contain some fertilizer and other chemicals . The hot days we have had lately can also raise the water temps. and kill off the weaker fish ......mother nature pruning the herd . That rotten smell of decaying carp is very familiar to me , I remember it well from fishing there as a teen , walking the tracks from St.Catharines .

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