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How Close Is Too Close?


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Hey Guys and Gals,

So as my title says, I have a question in regards to how close can one put their bait or lure near another persons. Here's a bit of a background story...

So last night I was down at 16 Mile Pond at Charles Daley fishing for catfish last fish last night. I was sitting near the picnic table that is on the one side of the willow, closest to the path... (if that makes sense to anyone). Now I was fishing with nightcrawlers under a float (one of those neon green and orange coloured ones), so my bait was easily visible on the water. There were some carp swimming around my bait, and i was quite excited that one of them might have shown interest... In fact one got really close...and I picked up my rod, ready for it to peel the line... and then.... SPLOOSH! Someone had casted their bait within 10 feet of my bobber... scaring off all the carp -_-

I looked around, as I did not see anyone in the immeadiate area. I looked towards the lake, and the person was sitting in the clearing between the beach and the pond. He had casted right down the shorleine, right to where I was fishing.... i don't get it... He has the entire pond to cast and fish, why the heck does he have to fish right ontop of me ( Not literally of course). So how close do you guys believe to be close enough, and what would you suggest that i do if that happens again ? (I didn't confront him, as his family was there and I didn't wannna piss them off with confrontation)

Thanks for letting me vent that to you guys haha.

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I find that happens a lot in that area, if I'm fishing with someone, or meet someone while down there then I'll cast within 5 feet of there bait, but I'll ask if they mind first, if I am casting by there line, I'll try to cast as little as possible, usually the other guy has the. Same idea, more bait in one area and little disturbance, as for your problem.. There's not much you can do if you choose not to ask him if he minds not casting only where he sees action, you could always move, but that's a hasstle. So I guess the only two options are politley ask him if he minds not doing that, or packing up and heading out of that spot, a lot of people don't understand that down in that pond, it doesn't matter where you cast, there are fish everywhere in there, not just around your crawler under a float,

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Such is fishing life....not a lot you can do really without confrontation. Ive had guys waltz right up there river and through a drift i had been fishing. Total disrespect and not even blink an eye. There really is no rules and its more about being respectfull to your fellow fisherman. Some people dont have that at home never mind on the water. I move on to another spot and just say thanks . My brother on the other hand might have sent him swimming. No sense confrontation....i dont care to fish around clowns anyway. Sad....but its rampant these days...loogans all over the place. Those are the same guys who trash up the shoreline as well.

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That's too close there is tons of pond and shouldn't have to deal with it. I have had it happen but the whole pond was open and this bone head fished with 3 feet of me repeatedly casting over my line!

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just wait until you fish tourney's....its hilarious when you get on the fish and how many people park their boat next to yours and start casting your spread just because they saw you land one!!

Bent Rod Syndrome!! also known as B/S!

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try fishing port dal in the fall for salmon i had a nice steelie on off the peir some noodle head decided to cast right over and i lost the fish and my spoon i wanted to go and drop kick em in the water but i didnt i just yelled a bit

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There's an awful lot of greedy, stupid, inconsiderate people out there. Personally, I'd ask him what he's doing... but I'm what you might call somewhat physically intimidating. Probably best to move along when idiots strike.

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...set your time machine for the 1970s and the visit trout opener at Effingham or the Great Port Dalhousie Coho runs of 1978 and 1979..... being Canadian, and Niagaran in particular, we don't voice our concern about anyone being "too close"..... the waters are replete with morons these days.... this is why, after how many decades on Niagara waters, I now fish primarily in the wee hours of the morning peninsula-wide.... tis truly moron-free at that hour and i love it and my god the size of the fish would knock your socks off

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Some people are just plain oblivious. You are right not to make it a big deal.

If somebody is fishing my space, I usually cast over top of them. It usually sends the message. For those that don't get the hint, I try to start a friendly conversation with them. A lot people hate talking to strangers and will do anything in their power to get away from them. If it backfires, I usually end up making a friend lol.

Don't sweat it. Most people are just clueless to proper fishing etiquette. We are all guilty of it once in a while. Chances are, if he bombed his bait right over the fish's heads, he has no clue what his is doing and needs somebody to give him some friendly advice.

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I've had it happen often. It can be frustrating, especially when you're casting a fly. Often they'll not only cast over your line, but they'll stand close enough to smell their B/O. When that happens usually I'll politely point out that I'll charge for any body piercings they acquire.

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I have had someone cast so close while fighting a trout they actually hooked the side of it... I cut the line and threw the spinner in the water.... but I am a bit of an


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just wait until you go fish steelhead or salmon in the whirlpool, thats a whole new game of bumping elbows

Or drift fishing for steelhead anywhere... you always get the idjit that is fishing 250 yards upstream who lets his drift go until it's 10ft off shore ... Anyways, it is a sad fact of life anymore, that good manners and common sense are not very common anywhere anymore ...

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Ill be totally honest I try to say a 100yrds away from other boats. I hate when I land a fish and there others within a cast away....

I'd get upset when someone's within 3 casts of me, inside that range ill kindly say hey "how to do like my spot? Wanna just come on my boat????"

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just wait until you go fish steelhead or salmon in the whirlpool, thats a whole new game of bumping elbows

thats why i like to bring a spey rod down with me at most times, if someone creeps a little too close into my drift area, i switch rods to my full sink spey line, and its a pretty large shooting head, that needs to be roll casted directed down stream (usually in the direction of the drift poacher) so they tend to move a little farther downstream.

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I'll have to check my dictionary to find more descriptive words for the anglers who like to cuddle next to you .......So far we have .....bonehead , thick , noodle head , greedy , stupid , inconsiderate , idiot , moron & clueless . I could add #@$%!! & #%@doodoo etc etc......but I'll be a good boy . :pardon: . There isn't much you can do to fix these friendly people . When I've had enough of the close relationship , I'll move on ......after I :ArcherySmiley:

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I honestly don't mind how close people are to me. With all of the other distractions that happen in the water for fish I doubt they will get too much more spooked than they already are. One more ploop in the water, considering how far sound travels in water is nothing. The fish will spook for a few minutes and then carry on. I also prefer to fish with other people. I find it boring talking to myself when fishing alone because the voices have yet to reply to me. I understand some people like the solitude which is why I will setup away from people but if someone wants to setup close to me they are more than welcome to.

Even in the boat when I am perch fishing Erie, if someone comes and anchors beside me I like it. Makes me feel like I am fishing the right spot and usually drums up good conversation as well.

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It could be worse like the @$$holes on Rice Lake who repeatedly buzz you on the jet skis while you're anchored catching fish when there is a whole lake to futz around in. Of course a selection of 1 oz. sinkers and a good throwing arm usually gets you message across about how you are feeling about the situation.

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I honestly don't mind how close people are to me. With all of the other distractions that happen in the water for fish I doubt they will get too much more spooked than they already are. One more ploop in the water, considering how far sound travels in water is nothing. The fish will spook for a few minutes and then carry on. I also prefer to fish with other people. I find it boring talking to myself when fishing alone because the voices have yet to reply to me. I understand some people like the solitude which is why I will setup away from people but if someone wants to setup close to me they are more than welcome to.

Even in the boat when I am perch fishing Erie, if someone comes and anchors beside me I like it. Makes me feel like I am fishing the right spot and usually drums up good conversation as well.

I agree 100%. They might help to chum the area and some fish could be attracted by noise. I give people a lot of space, but everyone are welcome within 3 or 4 feet of me.

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I honestly don't mind how close people are to me. With all of the other distractions that happen in the water for fish I doubt they will get too much more spooked than they already are. One more ploop in the water, considering how far sound travels in water is nothing. The fish will spook for a few minutes and then carry on. I also prefer to fish with other people. I find it boring talking to myself when fishing alone because the voices have yet to reply to me. I understand some people like the solitude which is why I will setup away from people but if someone wants to setup close to me they are more than welcome to.

Even in the boat when I am perch fishing Erie, if someone comes and anchors beside me I like it. Makes me feel like I am fishing the right spot and usually drums up good conversation as well.

IF they were close to me I wouldn't have had a problem... But they were across the pond, at a different clearing. If he has to cast over to where I am catching fish because he isn't, he should change what hes doing, or come ask me what set-up im using, not casting right beside my bait.

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