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Moose Down!

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Well, we’re back from our early season moose hunt and It was a great one. We hunted the first week of the rifle hunt in Northern Ontario.

On opening morning my buddy and I were setting up on a beaver pond just off a river. After beaching the canoe at the side of the river we took the short walk into the edge of the pond.

The plan was for me to call and my buddy to shoot. Well, we find a nice place to set up, my buddy starts to set himself up. I lean my rifle against a tree and start walking through the brush to look for saplings to cut to set up a Moose decoy.

After a couple minutes of walking along cutting saplings my buddy calls me on the radio reporting that he heard something across the pond. I stop to listen and hear a bull grunt. So I radio back that there is a bull over there and to sit tight and I’ll call him in. So I start some soft moans and he starts coming in, grunting, breaking branches then slopping though the far edge of the pond that we couldn’t see. After some more soft calling he appears out of the bush through a short peninsula jutting out into the pond, stopping to look around. A couple soft calls gets him moving again along the bush line. A few more soft calls and he is now walking straight towards me with my buddy sitting between us. He’s now swaying and grunting as he makes his way towards me. At this point he is about 5o yards out.

I can’t see my buddy and it feels as if the bull has already walked past him. I’m now wondering why he hasn’t taken a shot, as he continues to advance I start to get worried as it registers that I don’t have my rifle, I'm wearing chest waders and have a river one one side of me and a beaver pond on the other, and a fat man in waders can't run, swim, or climb trees! Then finally Bang, my buddy shoots and he goes down. A nice 49” Bull down for his first moose! Moose down at 8:20 AM!

Well, we still have one tag to fill and I return to the same beaver pond a day or two later. I call one afternoon with no response. I call again the following morning with no response, then end the morning with some loud broadcast calls. I return that afternoon and start my call routine again and around 5:30 I could have sworn I heard a faint grunt. I’m not sure if I’m hearing things or not, then another, but still faint. Now by 6:00 I definitely hear a grunt closer and clearer this time. He is slowly working towards me it’s now 6:30 and he’s getting closer. Around 7 I can hear him coming through the brush, grunting, breaking branches, he’s close, now sounding like a bulldozer coming through. He finally steps out about 50 yards to my left and staring right at me. He just stands there for a minute staring. I do a soft moan and he moves again another 20 yards and stops. I decide to take my shot even though he is directly facing me. So I center on his chest and squeeze off a round. Second bull down, not as big as my buddy’s but still respectable!

We spent the rest of the week fishing, drinking beer and telling war stories! The best vacation I can imagine!

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Congrats ! This story is almost identical to one of my moose trips ! That trip bagged me a 50" rack . That's a lot of good eating there ....and a lot of work to boot ! Great story ....it took me back a few years and got the adrenaline going . B)

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Great story , felt like I was there with you guys......keep posting stories, a lot of people dont get out to experience outing like this one.


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