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Welland Fishing Adventure


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I decided to try downtown Welland in the canoe today. I had some fresh minnows from the marina in Fort Erie so I launched at the end of Aqueduct St. I tried the area around the Main and Division bridges but caught nothing but gobies so I decided to cut my  losses and head to Dain City. The winds were also a little calmer there. I tried a couple spots and managed a few small ones but that was it. So I moved a couple hundred metres down and I was catching a few when I noticed a steady line on my sonar about three feet off the bottom. I couldn't figure out what it was until I tried to lift my anchor to move. The rowing club left one of their cables in the water and my anchor was hooked on it. I decided to keep on fishing and next thing you know I set the hook on a perch and boom my hook gets snagged on the cable. Well I break my line and now have to figure out how to get my anchor unhooked. After some difficulty and effort I finally got free. I retied a rig and moved about thirty yards away and after that it was nonstop action. I got 23 keepers and a couple bonus catfish to bo20161204_152702_zpswbbhukre.jpgot. I threw back more than I could count. A very nice day and when I came back to shore I met a fellow NFN member named Ken who was a fishing buddy of Mazz who I'm sure everybody remembers. Well here are the pics.20161204_152726_zpsrdcjrxey.jpg

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We were out on Sunday but managed nothing but gobies. Started at the WIFC and moved north a bit every 30 minutes or so until we ended up at Woodlawn and then had BK and headed home. Still trying to figure out the rec canal.

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