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Posts posted by Snags

  1. 21 hours ago, smerchly said:

    I think the day is coming soon when all cars will need a dash cam that starts when the car starts .....like cops who now wear cameras . It may lower our insurance rates too ! 


    I think the future will have GPS tied to your vehicle that will feed your insurance company your information, it will be sold as IT WILL LOWER RATES FOR GOOD DRIVERS, but expect it to screw everyone over in the long run based on "statistics" or "one time is too many".  My work vehicle has one, the company installed them to monitor everyone and encourage good driving.  With how sensitive they are set ... it goes off in a parking lot for rough driving if the pothole is not solid ice and the vehicle dips enough.

  2. The issue around speeding is the engine and look of the vehicle add to the perceived speed, I have had my neighbours in the past upset at my speed.  None of them could identify my speed, other than FAST.  I asked them what the speed limit was and most have no clue that the speed limit is 50 KM/H, all they could say was YOU DRIVE TOO FAST, no clue on my speed, no clue on the speed limit, nothing but opinion.


    Too many people are irresponsible parents/pet owners though based on things I have seen.  Some kids used to live in my little subdivision and they could not comprend looking both ways before running out into the street, mom would sit on the porch and not say anything.  It took me back to driving through Baltimore where a common issue (I was given a heads up on) is people jumping out into traffic to get hit and then launch a lawsuit.  No different than the pet owners who have those extendable leashes, saw one that had to be about 30 feet or so ... the guy was on the sidewalk, his dog was walking down the middle of the road.

    I still stand behind Niagara being the worst for driving in North America based on things I have seen and how many times I have nearly been hit or people who don't understand the 406 has areas where it drops to 80 from 100 and have almost rear-ended me.  There was a lady this morning who was weaving between lanes to try and get ahead of traffic and failing to use a blinker, let alone actually remain in a lane as she was riding the line more than anything.  Pulled up beside her at a red light and asked her how much she had to drink and to use her signal.  She wound up behind me further down the road and with how close she got to my bumper while I was waiting for my left, she couldn't get out from behind me ... so I waited past a few openings to make my turn and inconvenience her some more.  Needless to say I saw a hand gesture in my rear view mirror.

  3. 1 hour ago, smerchly said:

    You can have more in your boat if they're Walmart shoppers ..... 

    Niagara Falls is crammed full of cars and crowds of people today , like any other holiday   weekend . 



    The difference is that you don't meet the definition of a close contact (15 minutes worth of interactions with the sick person) to any other shoppers or walkers in Niagara Falls (unless you stop and hug someone).  If people are in a boat, they all meet the definition of a close contact if one person is sick.

  4. 2 hours ago, steelshady said:

    Wait until someone gets hurt on those rocks fishing, the will post no fishing signs on the piers!



    Only if someone wants to make a big deal out of it.  Those rocks are around many lake structures to protect from erosion, you want to block off access there you will need to shut down most of the lake front trails as well.

  5. HAH!


    If a whole neighbourhood is onboard with getting some parking changed we will see change.  It might not be quick, but we will see change.


    It should be no one's responsibility to look after picking up after others ... but by today's standards everyone is exempt for their actions and excuses are completely allowed because you can't tell people no or that they are wrong. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, мормышка said:

    Synthetic (concocted like dough ball?) / natural (corn) / live (worm)?




    FishNCanada Article



    In order to use more than one line, anglers must meet all of the following conditions:

    • Anglers must use baits that are plant-based or artificial corn
    • When fishing from shore, each line being used can be no further than 2 metres (approximately 6 feet) from another line the angler is using
    • When fishing from a vessel, all lines must be on board the vessel with the angler.


  7. Was out this morning trying for some fish and there was a lady walking grumbling into her phone about how much trash fisher people leave behind and that something needs to be done about it, she was obviously ranting and raving into someone's voicemail and how disgusted she is about cleaning up after us slobs.  It sounds like her whole neighbourhood supports closing off street parking and she has a petition for it.


    So to those of you who are F***ING PIGS, THANK YOU FOR RUINING ANOTHER SPOT!  To those of you who tie garbage bags to trees, for people to use, you are just as bad because no one ever removes those bags, and to those of you who leave your beer cans and coffee cups ... THANK YOU TO YOU TOO!  Looking at the junk she was moving to a garbage can, it wasn't a snip of line, it was a whole spool of line, and various fast food related garbage.


    Where is this spot?  You all can figure it out if the few parking spaces available get turned into NO PARKING.  Thank you for being such pigs, we deserve to see spots lost.  BUT IT ISN'T JUST FISHERMEN ... in this area ... it is, you aren't gonna park there and smoke a joint ... it is us.

  8. Niagara on the lake has plenty of areas where the land is owned right to the water so you do have to be careful in spot selection. Also be weary .. there are a few areas you need a specialized license (NOTL resident) to fish ... or at least you did a few years back.

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