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Out of season fish pictures


What should this site do??  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think should be the policy regarding OOS fish pictures on this site...

    • A complete ban on OOS fish pictures
    • No ban at all
    • Other (explain below)

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Every year the subject comes up on this site of posting pictures of fish that are caught out of season. Although the Ministry says that they have no problem with taking a picture of the fish as long as it's released quickly, there are those who believe that they should not be posting these pictures on here and it has sparked some interesting opinions and comments. I want to get members opinions on what they think should be done in the case of OOS pictures on this site. Please vote in the poll and feel free to comment on what you think on the subject. Thanks.

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I say allow pics but dont mention it in the thread name or make a specific post for it. If you were out fishing for bows and caught a bunch and a 25lb laker OOS post pics of the all the fish and not just the OOS.

Basically dont have something like GREAT DAY FISHING - HUGE BASS! then have yea we went out and caught nothing but bass I know theyre OOS But we got one on whatever we threw! we got one huge one heres a pic!

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myself I do not care, I like to see pictures of fish that are hard to find on the end of my line.

as long as your not intentionally targeting the fish I do not care, s#1t happens.

Take the muskie from last year or the year before ... FISH OF A LIFETIME. Go ahead and brag. Just lets hope your not using a poodle as bait since it definatley isnt trout bait.

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I have a few photos in my collection that were never posted for this very reason, I used to be a regular poster on another board, made the mistake once of posting a pic of a nice 4lb chunky smallmouth that took my bait OOS. We were targetting perch and well the bass don't know that. The comments I recieved were less than complimentary.

I don't see the big deal about posting pics :)

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I think unless it's an extrodinary fish caught out of season then you shouldn't post the pic. Posting pics may encourage someone to go target that species because they saw it on the Niagara Board and other people were fishing for bass. If you have to post the pic do it in a story without bringing attention to it like some others have. Fished Wellend River, yadda yadda yadda, here 5 pics of legal fish, and one of an incidental OOS fish.

I went largie fishing on the U.S. side(it's legal for catch and release right now) and caught a dozen Largemouth on Sunday morning and thought about posting pics but then thought that it could be mistaken for someone fishing bass in Ontario so I didn't do it.

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Personally, I will not post about OOS fish. Certainly not brag about them. However, a kid grinning ear to ear is not about the fish as much as it is about a proud moment in a childs life.

For the child its WOW! I caught one just like Dad's. For Dads and Granddads' we just wanna say that's my boy\girl.

I do keep a scrap album of all the kids I take fishing, and some pics are accidental OOS catches. Who cares, I gave a kid a happy moment to share.

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Guest Rockfish

Unless it's an exceptional fish I don't think that posting OOS fish is right, just gives people the wrong idea about closed seasons. Species like Bass are in shallow and are aggressive this time of year and will be protecting nests, the big ones are much harder to find in some areas once the season opens when they move to deeper water.

As was discussed last year save pics of OOS fish and post them when the season opens it's not that far off to have the open season.


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I have no problem with posting pics if the fish were accidently caught. I think Tony, by the wording of your title, it was more the problem than the actual pic. I know it was innocent but there are a lot of people that would take offense to that. People, please don't shy away from posting pics of oos fish if accidently caught, as most of these fish will more than likely stand out in your memories as special surprises that happen once in a while but do change the way you describe the post as it is a misrepresentation of your actual day .

We were out in the upper river (US side) on Saturday and banged 2 pike , 2 muskie (have pic of the big one, oos), 3 lm bass, 1 rockie, and about 10 smallies, one being over 4 lbs (pic as well) and 2 in the 3 lb range. Saw a ton of fish, including one muskie that was around 15-20 lbs with what looked like a white tube stuck in his mouth (no it wasn't a battle scar although many fish had those). I saw no evidence of spawning(other than water pigs) going on in the river on the US side and there are no weeds yet.

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:blink: Well you are right Rick there is always someone that post's pics of OOS fish . I agree with Tom & Johnny, If you post the pic of OOS fish you know that someone will know the area and go there just to catch fish. Just like when I was watching 2 huge muskies in port spawning and I made the mistake of telling and showing someone and he said right to me I AM GOING HOME TO GET MY GEAR AND COMMING BACK TO GET ONE OF THOSE FOR A PIC, because I will never see one that big again. I was so pissed off when I heard that he did do that I almost kicked his ass all over port. I did not but I went up one side and down the other and I think he got my drifft. If you have to post a pic of OOS fish just for braggin rights then YA you need to get your ass jumped because it just shows that you realy don't care and the braggin rights makes you a good fisherman.WRONG it makes you a target and just starts a war on sites like this and we all know how Rick likes to push the buttony thingy :Gonefishing: Just fish away have fun don't target OOS fish and if you get one use your own jugement on how you would like your ass jumped for a post pic of OOS fish. Thats all for now. Catfish
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I agree with what Bruce said.

Valerie's bronze back she caught a few weeks back was her personal best and worthy of posting.

However it was posted along with many other fish caught. Also it was caught out of town and no worry about someone targeting them where we were.

I think the wording of the post is important as not to upset some. And perhaps not being specific on the area would keep lurkers away.

IBC, Yorkies are far better bait then poodles, didn't ya know :Gonefishing:

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both sides of the situation are valid dont want to hurt the spawning, in Tonys case i could care less look at the kids smile a sense of pride, but where do u draw the line??? Tough subject thats for sure. I have some pics of some LM and SM bass that i caught when pike fishing and they are some hogs but didnt post them just b/c itz my personal opinion. Just use your best judgement like said b4 and have respect for the fishery thats all :Gonefishing:

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Guest BoSmith

If you think posting pics of an OOS fish is bad, What about mounting a fish that is pruposly snagged? Saw a guy snag a brown out of a harbour and then rave about how big it was and how he was going to get it put on the wall..... NICE NICE. I agree with the general statement, unless its an extrodinary catch, what is the point, there is a reason the fish is out of season to begin with, In the case of bass, there is no easier time to get em when they are on their beds

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IMO....an incidental is just that. No malice was intended.If its for the kids that takes priority in my book but you educate them at the same time. Explain why you have to let it go as quick as possible but you'll have the pic as a lasting memory. Guys that knowingly target OOS fish just for the bragging right of a PB , I have no use for.

A couple of weeks ago while at beaverdams for a few casts for some crappie action just after Mako had left ,I observed a guy catch a OOS bass and put it in a bucket. Then him and his buddy proceeeded to pack up and leave. Before he got to the car I was all over him. In his broken english hes trying to tell me its only one .What a moron. I stood my ground and eventually he tossed it back. I assume they didn't even have a licence. I explained that they were OOS and he played stupid like he didn't know. Funny thing though ...why did he try to hide the bass...

Anyway back to the debate. this is a touchy subject. IMO there should be guidelines about posting a OOS pic on this site. ....I.E.... kids first fish or biggest, or a beheamouth of a fish without revealing the locale.

We are the NFN not the OFN "700 club. I don't want to see this site go the way of that one . I don't want to see posts being deleted because they express thier opinoins and the mods would like think "oh my god this post might offend someones dog " i better delete it.

Lets keep it real. Not turn it into a site where the only competition is to see who gets up the earliest to say good morning to Lew :Gonefishing: . There seems to be less and less fishing reports on that site lately.

I'm sure Rick will make the best decision for the board.

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Guest Beats88

I could not agree with more!!!! It's a Father with a pic of his kid with a Dam fish!!! not a bag of crack. Lets fish people, I am pretty sure there was no itent here.

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Two different threads are getting crossed here. There is no father posting a pic in this post. The story here is not the same one as in the other post, we are not referring to the one bass picture posted yesterday. That thread may have sparked this one but this one is completely different.

point takes into account Lake Erie and upper river bass, but I'm sure his tune would change when a Grand River walleye was posted OOS and every idiot from the GTA ran down there and fished at the dam. Because the rules have changed on the US side doesn't mean they are correct necessarily. Plus they have no bearing on the Canadian side right now, regardless of what Canuck bass fishermen opinions to the contrary are. Bass are also a fish that reproduce naturally at a fantastic rate...other fish don't!!!

Rules are rules, and they are rules for a reason. Please post your opinions on the Bass picture in the thread about the Bass picture. In this thread please look at the broader picture and take into account all species and areas when commenting about OOS pictures.

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The kind of reaction that Steve gave is the kind of soap opera that starts every time. Your either for or against it but personally I won't post OOS pictures until that species comes into season. I see no harm in waiting as I'm no bragger.

But Steve take it easy. Your strong opinion is the kind that prevents anglers from posting and this is not just a site to post fishing reports. It's much deeper than that but then again all some guys know is wire line and half inch steel pipe to drag in fish behind the boat.

I do think posting oos pics encourages the criminal element to target oos fish especially if the background is recognizable. Also it gives guys a reason to hoist fish they normally might not. Leave that big OOS spawner in the water for release. We don't need to see it's out of season blood and slime all over your clothes.

I don't know, maybe I'd agree with it if the picture was taken in the water like alot of the stealheaders do. Maybe if our ancestors didn't pass down that attitude Steve seems to have we wouldn't have to stock fish. Conservation is an attitude and it gets better as we learn from our Fathers mistakes.

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I know we have to have respect for the forum and the decisions that are made by the moderator...but it is a free country and there is no law that says you cant take a picture of an oos fish..

There is absolutely nothing that can change my mind on this subject...

I hate it that people make a big deal about a pic posted of an oos fish..sometime I think people are jelous when they see a nice monster for example the muskie that was caught at port last year oos who cares it was released and wasnot targeted.

If the fish was quickly released right after the pic there is nothing wrong there.


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Oh my

Get a life. I am with . Stop whining and go fishing. How many smallmouth are being caught on lake erie right now while guys are targeting eyes. Catching OOS fish is a fact of life. If anybody here has a way of stopping it from happening please enlighten us with you obvious wisdom. A nice fish is a nice fish, it doesn't matter when its caught. The laws say you cannot target or retain an out of season species.

I cannot beleive grown men are even disscussing this!

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I hate to say this but there has been a few posts on this isue that is not making me to happy. Look this is the bottom line when you are fishing from shore you are going to hit bass because they are in shallow on their nests. If you drag your bait into the nest they are going to grab the bait just to move it they don't want it they just don't want it in the nest. So really you are snagging the fish and pulling it off the nest and when this happens there is a good chance that the fry will be wipped out by purch,crappie,sunfish,bluegill and every other fish that sits just out of an area that the female and male venture to which is not to far from the nest. The fish that are being caught by the walleye guys are fish that spauned already and have left the nest to feed on the minnows that the walleye are feeding on. So even if you are not targeting the bass and you keep getting them on your line what are you just going to stay their because you are catching fish,if you do and I was a C/O and seen you doing this I would throw the book at you and take all your gear then explain to your kid what a moron you are for doing this,and tell him the reason those fish are there and I bet your kid would call you a moron also.If you don't care about our fish resources then I am talking to a compute screen, If you do care and if you do hit a spot that you are catching OOS bass and you take a pic then move on then I would say that you care.But posting the pic with a title catching bass I would say that hold off on the pic till the season opens then post them it don't take much to explain what was caught OOS then it is to explain it now before the season opens. Even thou the vote is 70% to being able to post the pics I would suggest that they do not get posted till the season opens because you will get those that don't care knowing that they can be caught now because they are on the nests and everyone knows where they can find bass on nests.Come on guy's this subject is a no-brainer it won't take long for all you anglers to say what happend to all the bass. I'm sure if it was another fish someone else would be bitchen. So try to keep our fishery going strong for all our kids to fish and use your head instead of saying OH I DIDN'T KNOW. p/S THIS POST IS NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE SO DON'T GET YOUR KNICKERS IN A TWIST.And as far as the comment IT'S ONLY A BASS you wont say that when all stocking of Rainbows,Salmon,Browns,Walleye is no longer funded and the numbers drop. Just think about it before you make a comment like this. And most of you know that when I make a pediction about things that are going to change I do know somthing is going to happen. :Gonefishing: And I don't like saying I told you so.CATFISH

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Sometimes I feel like leaving the camera at home . We lowly fishermen are but a drop in the bucket when compared to commercial netting etc. or fish die -offs due to water inversion , or poisoning . When a picture is shown of an oos fish ,some will jump you and some will congratulate you. But showing a bunch of oos bass of no significant size is asking for trouble, especially showing where they were caught . After reading the posts here , I will refrain from posting any oos fish no matter how big or rare the fish is.....even if the mnr says it's ok to do so . They need to change those rules and we will have no more problem with it. .

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Guest Rockfish

Again the topic discussed is the posting of pics of Out Of Season fish, not how to keep them off your line. :blink: Some people may have a different view if you've had the experience when word got around about a particular spot with lots of OOS fish and then see people target and take these fish home. An example is 50 pt in the Fall when there are tons of Laketrout all along the shoreline to spawn and after Sept 30 when they are OOS people go down there every year to snag and take them home.

Some people have no regard or care for fishing seasons and some will say that they don't know the different types of fish is the excuse that they will use. When these people see good sized OOS fish taken out of a spot or area it just encourages them to go there, catch them, do some bragging and then take them home. They will also keep going back there taking fish out without a care and still say they didn't know. :Gonefishing:

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There are those who are going to jump all over you, no matter how innocent the situation and how quickly the fish is released.

Right !!!

And these people need to chill :D

I't not like everyone and their mom are posting all these pictures.

Live and let live, or more correctly----

Fish and let fish.


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