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Everything posted by knightfisher

  1. Gota love them no matter the size. I never take a hooked pike for granted. The adrenaline flows till the fish is in the net. Most pike put up some type of fight trying to throw the lure. It can get quite exhilarating when the pike breaks water and they seem to have an art to throw the hook. I once caught a pike on a spinner bait, but my line broke before I could net him. About two minutes later that pike was breaking water, about a foot up trying to throw the spinner. On his third attempt the pike threw it out. I could not believe what I was seeing. Anyways, I enjoy the hunt and the fight when lucky enough to hook into one, Also most hook ups guaranty a fish over two feet long, not too shabby.
  2. Joe and I hit up Gibby for a bit. Caught this 22 inch rocket. I had to use the spreaders to get the hooks out.
  3. 😰 The withdrawal symptoms can be overwhelming at times.....🤪 Luckily we met up each spring for cats and carp to get me through these trying times.....
  4. Chubby little girl, ready to drop her eggs She was 28 inches long. Very slow presentation was the key. Released to make more babies.
  5. Yeah, glad we are getting into a few. Key for us is very slow presentation which takes discipline for me, being use to retrieving much quicker.
  6. Could not turn down such a mild day. Gave it go, went 1 for 3. Nice fatty 30 inches, released. Might be the last one on open water with the temps dropping.
  7. Pike must of been hungry with a fresh looking chub in its gut and going after our offerings. Was caught at one of your spots you target carp on, Beaverdam Rd. One day I would like you to show me how to prepare a pike like you do....of course means you might not get the next one
  8. DarryL, there was one other guy out, but left after about half an hour. A few others were inquiring about the action, but didn't wet a line. Tyler, usually I like a pan fry with coconut oil, salt, pepper and garlic. However this one is in the smerch's hands....
  9. Out for our daily exercise, Joe and I pounded some of the shorelines of Gibby. The two small ponds are frozen over, but the main lake was ice free. We went 1 for 3, with this nice 28 incher, which is currently being prepared for a meal.
  10. This one was released. We keep a few here and there. As well, any that are deep hooked or damage to gills, come home for dinner. As far as the second picture, Joe thinks it was the entrails of a deer. Not sure how it got into Gibson waters, was not aware any hunting was allowed in the area.
  11. 30+incher caught by Joe today, I got the white stripe At first glance this looked like a octopus...
  12. Yes Tyler, the pike are fattening up for sure. Winter pike are not very aggressive and tend to be lazier. The last few times out, slow presentation has been the key for us. When ice fishing for them, I guess you can't get much slower than that. The current temps are not that bad, but the added winds make it tough being out there for any length of time without any shelter.
  13. Winter solstice arriving today was a day celebration for Joe and I. Happy that daylight hours will now be getting longer, we decided to bring the day in with some meal size pike. Not to be disappointed, we both got one and lost one.
  14. that was one hilarious post Bill. I totally forgot I put that together. I still carry the original with me
  15. None of my other lures were getting any attention Bill. I have used your bait twice a few weeks back, but no luck. Not totally sure how to use it, so I cast it, let it hit bottom and pull it back stopping to make sure it stays on or near bottom. Not sure when she picked it up, on the fall or retrieve, but thought at first I had snagged some weeds. Then she fought. As far as live bait, hard to say. Joe caught both of his pike on dead chubs. I had one on a smelt, got off, and then used a chub as well for my second one. Couple weeks back couple of guys were using live minnows and caught 3 pike. So you just never know. When the pike are around most other fish seem to disappear.
  16. Afternoon pike hunt paid off. Joe caught two at about 4 lbs, one pictured. Bill gave me this pattletail which I have never really used in the past. It paid off with my 7 lb pike. Later I lost one and then landed another about 4lbs as well.
  17. Was nice on the water for sure. However, the gust of winds made for an interesting challenge controlling the sportspal from time to time. Some of the white caps coming back from the grandstand area broke over the gunnels. We pounded the various bays with our lures, but the pond for the most part, refused to give up her bounty. My bicep feels twice the size. Was nice to get out with Smerch one last time before putting the canoe away. Oh by the by, he forgot to mention the banana he brought on board....
  18. Three pike from the canoe today, nice afternoon to be out on the water.
  19. Walking the dogs along Gibby this AM, I brought my rod and believe it or not, caught this skinny 22incher on the first cast. That's a first for me.
  20. Bluebird skies, mid afternoon. Put a few casts in one area, and as the lure got close to me was about to pull it out of the water and this gal took it. What a nice surprise. Was 32 inches.
  21. If my net doesn't have pike odor, it was an unproductive outing, I look forward to the smell🙃
  22. Gibson pike. Was out this Am for about 2 hours and no signs of fish. Threw out everything I had, nada. Talk about disappointing. This evening, second cast with a white spinner bait, brought in this 22 inch pike. Guessing with the heat the last few weeks the pike have gone deeper.
  23. Mop, that sounds like a fishing tale, if I ever heard one.....
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