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Liar's Club
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Everything posted by knightfisher

  1. Yep, when the lake carp are spawning, they come through the channel. Sometimes one gets lucky. Biggest since has only been a 20 lber.
  2. Some big mamas swim through there, you never know what you'll catch. My personal best 40 lb was caught there a few years back.
  3. If there was a food shortage, you would never go hungry Bill 🤪
  4. I'm on the road a lot, and what really bugs me is the number of oncoming drivers that cross over the center line. Happens every day, and some are over more than a foot. WTF.
  5. I would be more concerned about our health.... EMF Radiation Risks from Electric Cars You cannot see the EMF radiation emitted by electronic devices, but repercussions in intense or long doses include cell damage, DNA fragmentation, fertility problems, and neurological effects that can lead to health disorders and behavioral issues. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) EMF radiation emits from all electronic devices, originating from their batteries, parts and internal circuitry. Radio Frequency (RF) EMF radiation, emits only from devices that have wireless connections. Think cellular phone service, Bluetooth, and WiFi. ELF radiation emits at a lower frequency than RF radiation, but both can cause biological effects in humans and the environment. The closer you are to the transmitter or battery in an electronic device, the more you are exposed to this radiation, and the more at risk you are of developing adverse health effects. With electric cars, a big battery is being used close to your body, with electronic circuitry running around the edge of the cabin. This can expose you to increased amounts of ELF radiation. Electric cars need to be plugged in and charged, just like any other rechargeable battery powered device. When charging, the EMF radiation emitted from the connection point is greater than the outdated ICNIRP standards of radiation levels
  6. Good to see the Gibby pike on the prowl. Time to dust off the gear and hit the shorelines
  7. Problem is, the majority of the masses accept it without question.....sad.
  8. Because they can. Can anyone name one corporation that doesn't try and @#%$% us up the .....
  9. Luckily I buried some mason jars for such a emergency 🤪
  10. I got stopped on the grand river a few years back in my sportspal canoe with an electric, and the OPP wanted to see my Pleasure Craft card. According to them, any type of motor on anything needs this card.
  11. Let us know what you think of it when you try it out
  12. I have a 65' long sidewalk and 80' driveway and pay a couple that advertise online, $40.00. They took care of the first dumping a few weeks back, and on their way today .Well worth the price for sure.
  13. Are the caps on some of the bobbers for use if not using a bobber stopper ?
  14. My questions have been answered thanks.
  15. I have a few questions about my Jeep Cherokee and was wondering if anyone here is in the field. Thanks Dan
  16. Good day out with Snags the other day. These gals were not camera shy 🤪 Fifteen lbs between them, longest 29 inches.
  17. We got out for a few hours today, bite was slow, but we did get one landed. 27 inches and 5 1/2 lbs.
  18. Catching has been a little slow the last week or so, but did get myself a toothy critter today.
  19. Joe and I hit Gibby late this afternoon. Winds made for tough conditions. We lost two and finally got this little gal.
  20. Same here. I have two pflueger presidents for pike and trout and a quantum reel for carp. All are well over 10 years and never do a thing to them. Maybe I have just been lucky.
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