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Liar's Club
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Everything posted by knightfisher

  1. That's amazing Bill. With all the wind, there is not a speck of snow on my sidewalks and I'm just around the corner from you. Must of been the direction of the wind I guess.
  2. Bill when I fishing the sunken rd for pike, many a minnow starts jumping out of the way, may be worth a try.
  3. All kind of small containers at the dollar store, works well.
  4. Smerch there is all kind of deals out there, just have to watch for them. I buy my chicken thighs or whatever by the case, not the package and save lots of bucks. Last week Big Reds had porterhouse steaks, (best type of steaks) on sale for UNDER $10.00 a pound, most other places near $18.00 Needless to say the Dans stocked up on those. Deals will always be out there.
  5. These two guys could walk away without any punishment. In court the prosecutor has to prove they put the weights in the fish. There is no way the prosecutor can do that.
  6. Had one stinker around here for a while and had to watch the missile when I let her out in the evening. Few days back one skunk dead on the road. Hope that's the end of them. Way to many places between Iains and my place for them to hide. Rankin has the contract for the road down the street. They are well know for dragging out jobs. Should of been complete by now ffs.
  7. Kind of hard to do roofing with those...
  8. Seen your van Bill as I was driving by. Noticed you were backed well into the wall of bushes like Homer Simpson
  9. I would never use my bank card for tapping purposes. No way I want that data out there. I have a wallymart card with a designed low limit I can use to tap with. It’s there if needed. However I still use cash for everything.
  10. My black cherokee is like a furnace on days like today
  11. Been doing roofing and building chimneys for the last 20+ years, dealing with high temps just part of the job.
  12. Anyone want a chicken. It's currently in the back yard. April my dog let it be..
  13. Today would be a great day to wash a van, cool over spray. I have no shorts, would have to be in my birthday suit 😮 Birds must be thirsty today....had a downy woodpecker taking a drink out of my front yard humming bird feeder, caught on film, cool to see for sure.
  14. Take care of yourself Bill. I'm just around the corner if you need help with anything....I don't cut grass 🤪
  15. Areas you can fish instead of being land locked....enjoy
  16. The club have a machine that removes the weeds from the course and then it's uploaded to this conveyor.
  17. Water down.....time to use tubes for bass Bill. We got good numbers of them when we were targeting them.
  18. I'd take it off your hands Bill, however being that moose antlers make excellent dog chews, I would have to keep it well above April's reach 😎
  19. Looks like you're all set there Tyler. Do you get a bit of shut eye during the 24 hour fish.
  20. Guessing you are using 3 rods, so why not corn on one of them....
  21. Us tax cattle continues to pay for this cr.....
  22. All my cats were caught closer to the dam area.
  23. Quite the thrill when a pike grabs a top water for sure.
  24. Hey all, just wondering how many here target pike. 90 % of my fishing is hunting down these toothie critters. I do enjoy fishing for carp, cats, eyes and bass etc, but pike and musky are my target fish. When you hook into one, you know you usually have a fish 20 inches or more at the end of the line. The fight is usually intense during the initial hookup.
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