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Where Does Your Fishing License Money Go?


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The muskie singns are al aong the river upper and lower.

Signs dont do much.

How many no tresspassing signs in port dalhousie were sent swimming?


Signs help in some areas but depends on the population.

Some of the areas never see the mnr so a sign means nothing.

More mnr is nice but for each ticket there are office hours as well and court time.

Often fishermen forget there is the hunting side of enforcement as well

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Keep up the good work. You guys will solve all the problems. Do you really think anyone will listen?

Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not...

They might not listen , those who snag, will always snag. But standing by and not doing anything isn't going to help. Or fisheries can be a wound that's bleeding... We have two choices... Let her bleed out and die... Or try and bandage her up little by little and hope to stop the bleeding.

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Keep up the good work. You guys will solve all the problems. Do you really think anyone will listen?

I give anyone my appreciation if they are putting an effort into helping out the future of our fishing, no matter if its helping with garbage derbys, helping out with pen projects, walking along rivers and calling tips on allsnaggers, going to jordan and reporting snagging, whatever it is, its something. And something is better then nothing. Jmo is doing something about the problem we face with loogans, what are you doing captn?
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I wish the funds went to hiring more COs and back into the stocking programs. But that's in a perfect world....

I was told by someone that all license fees and fines go to one large government account that pays out several non fishing related things, like welfare bla bla.

I don't want to believe that but really you knows for sure:(

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I give anyone my appreciation if they are putting an effort into helping out the future of our fishing, no matter if its helping with garbage derbys, helping out with pen projects, walking along rivers and calling tips on allsnaggers, going to jordan and reporting snagging, whatever it is, its something. And something is better then nothing. Jmo is doing something about the problem we face with loogans, what are you doing captn?

I'm glad that they are trying. If something comes out of it great. A couple of guys are not going to solve the problems but I wish them luck. As for me I am not doing a dam thing because I am satisfied the way things are.

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A perfect world it is not. But at the moment there is too much reckless non caring people out there who are forcing more closure to specific fishing waters. Awareness needs to happen. If these people were aware of the fines and consequences of thier actions they might think twice. I all for taking all of thier gear, bigger fines, and lifetime loss of privledge. Look at it this way...drinking and driving in my day and age was a drop in the bucket....it was everywhere and rampant. Times have changed....you drink and drive now the price you pay is huge, not only in fines but vehicle impoundment masive insurance hikes. Has it stopped? No. But its sure way less than it used to be. Part of my job requires me to have a valid drivers license.....i lose that, i lose my job. There must be a signifigant price to pay with your actions. Signs are a start....bigger fines and stiffer penalties are another option, or we can all sit back and mind our own buisness and hope the problem solves itself. Things wont change overnight...but the MNR has already started a major shuffle for change. Something has to give before the resource is lost....i for one dont mind paying a little more if that would help the cause.

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The muskie singns are al aong the river upper and lower.

Signs dont do much.

How many no tresspassing signs in port dalhousie were sent swimming?


Signs help in some areas but depends on the population.

Some of the areas never see the mnr so a sign means nothing.

More mnr is nice but for each ticket there are office hours as well and court time.

Often fishermen forget there is the hunting side of enforcement as well

The people involved in Muskie Canada have made a big differance. They are involved in preserving the resource and commit a lot of time into educating people and involved in clean-ups. If not for people like Knightfisher, Dan Andrews and Guys like Meatface ( Jon ) and groups like friends of the glen who go out of thier way to organize events and attend meetings lots of what people take for granted would already be lost. There is plenty of organizations that do have influance on change.

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As Dave said , increase the fines a LOT more , take their gear & impound the vehicles . These people won't get the message until that happens . Anglers need to be educated by reading the regs . The 1st page should state the rules about poaching etc. & also say what the penalties are . A written test is always an option , before the license is issued , then no excuses like :dunno: ??

I was talking to a worker at Treadwells in Pt.Dal .today who told me a guy caught 4 nice salmon at the 4 falls yesterday . I told him he was lucky he didn't get caught fishing in there . Another fellow told me he knows a guy who works for the OPG & he said they are going to fence off the waterway along Beaverdams Rd. to stop access to both sides of the lakes because of "dangerous waters" . Over my fishing life I have seen many of my fishing spots lost ( signs or fences) .

Looking down the road into the future , with the ever changing world of technology , I can see , in my crystal ball , the MNR using tiny web cams which can send live info to their computers and pinpoint the location where poachers are "fishing" . And that will be a good thing !

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How long until this bad boy is locked? Its kind of like we are all on agreeing to disagree. I think we are all on the same page with minor differences. Lets keep the conservation up on our part and hope things continue to grow.

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A s a new admin I do not yet see any reason to lock this thread, let's face it guys one person cannot change the world unless he is in sole control of the launch key. However 1 person can make a difference. Take some of our new members? If we get 10 new members and 9 of them don't give a sheet, well guess what now there are 2. If he tells his buddy, now there are 3.......if more people think on the positive side of angling with respect to natural resources, can one person make a difference?

I have faith, do you?

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It only takes one person, one act, one dollar, one idea, to start something.

After all, an avalanche begins with a snowflake. It just drags the rest along with it.

There are lots of examples, in our world, of how one man made a difference. Many of them from our very own backyard

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P.s got skunked on the credit today, so I decided to come home and go for a walk along my local creek, did I see fisherman snagging salmon? Sure did. Did I see fisherman using bait to catch salmon....yep.

Did I report this to the MNR tips hotline....?

Cell phone in hand right in front of them, did it cause a fight? Almost! As I was on the phone to the CO, I explained to him that I would inform these gentleman as to what they were doing wrong and why. He called me back 1/2 hr. Later to say thank you, and the field CO has received my complaint and my cell #, to get the info on the locations of violations on this creek.

The cycle/argument continues, will the CO show up right now....of course not.....but it's on record. After a few more calls, I'm keeping that faith.

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Threads get locked when they become personal attacls or use of foul language or raciist remarks. I agree, we can agree to disagree.

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