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Well we might lose another spot in Niagara ...


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Was out this morning trying for some fish and there was a lady walking grumbling into her phone about how much trash fisher people leave behind and that something needs to be done about it, she was obviously ranting and raving into someone's voicemail and how disgusted she is about cleaning up after us slobs.  It sounds like her whole neighbourhood supports closing off street parking and she has a petition for it.


So to those of you who are F***ING PIGS, THANK YOU FOR RUINING ANOTHER SPOT!  To those of you who tie garbage bags to trees, for people to use, you are just as bad because no one ever removes those bags, and to those of you who leave your beer cans and coffee cups ... THANK YOU TO YOU TOO!  Looking at the junk she was moving to a garbage can, it wasn't a snip of line, it was a whole spool of line, and various fast food related garbage.


Where is this spot?  You all can figure it out if the few parking spaces available get turned into NO PARKING.  Thank you for being such pigs, we deserve to see spots lost.  BUT IT ISN'T JUST FISHERMEN ... in this area ... it is, you aren't gonna park there and smoke a joint ... it is us.

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I can't understand the mindset of people that trash an area. Obviously missing a few brain cells.....

I constantly check the area for hooks and line so my dogs don't get hurt. I will clear the area so it's safe. I will not pick up other peoples garbage.


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The notion of social responsibility for the world around us ha long been a thing of the past. Yes lots of people, rant, beat on their chests, demand action, etc...   Very few actually do anything about it. It's somebody's job to look after the problem.  Yet in truth it is everybody's job and responsibility.


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If a whole neighbourhood is onboard with getting some parking changed we will see change.  It might not be quick, but we will see change.


It should be no one's responsibility to look after picking up after others ... but by today's standards everyone is exempt for their actions and excuses are completely allowed because you can't tell people no or that they are wrong. 

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Totally agree Snags.
Since the dawn of man, very very few people took social responsibility for their fellow man.
One just needs to read a bit of history. There has always been and will continue to be members
of society who feel they are omnipotent. Our dictators have tried issuing fines so people will
take more responsibility....hows that working out.
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At this moment , if you check my fishing back pack , you will find ....an empty juice box , a straw , plastic straw wrapper , a sandwich bag and a cereal bar wrapper , all from my last carp run . There's a large garbage barrel there that is over flowing and I saw some burned pop/beer cans in the fire pit . I picked up some fishing line (with hooks) and pushed it into the garbage barrel . I don't know if they send someone out in a boat to empty the barrel ....?

  I can see the trash getting worse as more people are fishing and Niagara seems to be attracting more people from other cities , some fishing, others visiting . When they open the gates , drop the masks , and fill the restaurants and bars .......  expect more garbage . The mentality of keeping our lands and waters clean has changed !  It is now an accepted thing to open the car window and toss butts anywhere, any time...

 I believe 99% of our members here adhere to being custodians of our environment . All the members I have fished with leave their swim clean .

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It's not just a problem with anglers leaving trash, everybody seems to do it, look at what happened at Trinity Bellwoods park over the weekend in toronto... 


I'll never understand what goes through someone's head to leave trash around the water way they use for enjoyment. Just pure ignorance. I find pretty much every time I go to a somewhat popular fishing spot It's littered with line/tackle/worm buckets/beer cans. It's a shame because I know the majority of anglers care quite a bit for the environment, but its the select few who are ruining it for the rest of us...


I try to pick up litter when I can especially line and hooks because I know how much damage it can do to the local wildlife but there's only so much we can do to combat these pigs...

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Most litter during these modern times is plastic .  People like the convenience of buying 24 , two ounce cups of yogurt , rather than a one litre container (lunch box) . I emailed liberal M.O.E. Jim Bradly about the styrofoam worm boxes and asked if they could change to peat containers .....his answer was "Ask your local bait shops to  buy peat boxes...(passing the buck as usual ! 

I have mentioned earlier about the clean NYS parks and fishing spots ....how do they do it ?  Big fines for littering ? More park "wardens" keeping an eye out for trashy people  ?  

  Let's pick up the fishing line at our spots .  There's plenty of sad pictures to see on Y.Tube of dead wildlife entangled in fishing line . "Those people" who like to "Pet" Animals have a lot of clout , like the lady with the petition ......

We need to save the spots we have left .....

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1 hour ago, мормышка said:

Makes me wonder why Henley Island public dock has the fence/gate locked. It was open before.

With this current lockdown, the rowers are locked out, the club controls the gates, so......

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4 hours ago, smerchly said:

I have mentioned earlier about the clean NYS parks and fishing spots ....how do they do it ?  Big fines for littering ? More park "wardens" keeping an eye out for trashy people  ?  

I love fishing the US. Been fishing it for probably 6-7 years. I’ve seen more wardens in my time there then my whole lifetime here in Canada. There’s usually garbage cans around that aren’t overflowing. The shotgun shells laying around kinda make you worried, but maybe thats why there’s no garbage around the “trashers” get taken care of. 

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With all public gatherings, I dont care if its a concert, a parade, a park celebration there is a cost of clean up. Yes, people are pigs no doubt about it. But if its a public place its owned by the city and they share a role in keeping it clean as well. Be it by hiring summer students, or regular emptying of the trash containers. Covid is the excuse most often used by these city workers as a way out. Yes, people need to stop trashing the place...but unless there is a budget set aside in the cleanup of these areas and its not just fishing areas, then close it to public access. Residents have a right to complain, I do not blame them. Closing everythng down works great for the city...less work for them to do. Sad, but reality. 

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Put all the inmates to work like they do in the states. Have anyone who wants to get some fresh air outside cleaning up the parks and highways. It's a win win. I travel to the U.S every year for NASCAR races and the U.S highways and interstates are always pristine. I'm pretty sure many of the states still do this. Its Canada though and that would be considered inhumane or degrading here. 

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12 minutes ago, Darryl L said:

Its Canada though and that would be considered inhumane or degrading here. 

They would break a finger nail and sue the prison for a million or two $$$$ .....


2 hours ago, DaveC said:

unless there is a budget set aside in the cleanup of these areas

I remember seeing people cleaning parks , like Lakeside Park using a wooden pole (broom  handle) with a nail , picking up trash and putting inside a shoulder bag ....they picked up the butts too ....

  I remember the "old" cars that had ash trays too ........now the smokers just toss them out the window ....Ya , society has changed ,sadly.....

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15 minutes ago, Darryl L said:

Put all the inmates to work like they do in the states. Have anyone who wants to get some fresh air outside cleaning up the parks and highways. It's a win win. I travel to the U.S every year for NASCAR races and the U.S highways and interstates are always pristine. I'm pretty sure many of the states still do this. Its Canada though and that would be considered inhumane or degrading here. 

You're 100% correct here Darryl! The inmates have rights you know! Many of them live better than people on the outside, expecialy the elderly. The inmates complain if they don't have their TV time, their internet time, their recreation time etc...they live in a Shangri La. If they don't have good food they go on a hunger strike. Jail isn't jail anymore. They go in for months (when the judges actually do their job), come out more knowledgeable in their area of expertise and a lot of the time they're jacked from their workout time. I like they way Sheriff Joe Arpaio did it in Arizona...

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I had a family member who had too many beers at a local hotel....he and another guy robbed and beat up another drunk who was flashing his money around ....got 4 years each in Collins Bay .  They had farmland there and inmates would work the farm and grow food . They did their time and never looked back . They were paid a pittance I believe so they could buy cigs ,etc.  They became good citizens after that . 

 We can do like the US ....make it voluntary ?  I think some would like to get some fresh air and pick up a little trash . I would gladly tell them some of my trade secrets on catching carp at my trashy fishing holes .....

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As the population in Niagara is quickly growing, we will see more people using our public areas. More people more pollution. Look at port Dalhousie. Those condos will be filled with wealthy people from the cities. They won’t want people fishing along the piers or near the marinas. If we are not careful we will be losing more shore fishing spots. I agree that the local government needs to hire more people to maintain the parks and waterfront areas. It’s not just fishermen leaving trash behind. Often times it’s picnicers or tourists leaving trash behind. If we want to be able to keep our shore fishing areas then we need to pick up after ourselves and keep those areas clean. Fishermen shouldn’t shoulder the blame for other peoples messes. 

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