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Everything posted by Markster

  1. Any deals on smaller humminbird helix 5 di? i need one for my tinner.
  2. Likewise Tyler! And i agree it was great to meet the legend himeself - the one and only - smerchly. now i’ll pick his brain for all the good fishing spots in niagara - wink wink. It was nice to see the_fish_dawg again as well. A long time ago, when he was a teenager, his folks had a trailer up north in the same park as us. All in all it was a great day - it was cool but the rain held off so alot got done.
  3. I’ll be chasing them this year.
  4. Spin-N-Glo® drift bobbers add flotation and motion to your fishing rig https://www.cabelas.ca/product/70789/yakima-spin-n-glo?productVariantId=207294&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping+Free+Listings&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiArrCvBhCNARIsAOkAGcXmObxEOE6WO9gh6DK293XvQ7JWVOdPOmKwFUUFqtrACoUQ9iNuVOMaAr4cEALw_wcB
  5. I caught a nice tagged atlantic on the east side today, but the wind sure was cold
  6. Just a reminder that spring turkey season is right around the corner and i see that tags are now available on the online portal.
  7. Great picture Dan! For me, battery life is a non-issue. i get a whole season from 12 AA batteries in my reveal XB.
  8. Looks like basspro has some trail cameras on clearance starting tomorrow. The flyer doesn’t say which ones are included but you may want to have a look.
  9. Very nice! he’ll enjoy that for many years to come. great job gunner! He’s done a few deer heads for me and i can agree he does excellent work.
  10. This was in my backyard (north end) with another one last week.
  11. Probably living well on the abundance of north end rats.
  12. No racks, but i found the leftovers from a coyote kill. is it just me or are they worse this year?
  13. Thanks Dan, I’ll be putting 2 up this week.
  14. Whoa, that was a close one Dan. Could have been far worse, like you said.
  15. Does anyone here put up and maintain duck nesting boxes? When is it best to install them and how often/ when are they maintained?
  16. Dan, get yourself some tactacams. You’ll be glad you did
  17. Darryl, ive looked at those shaky rabbit things but always wondered if they work. Whats your experience with them? Do they actually focus their attention?
  18. As far as i know there is nothing illegal about hunting coyotes with deer hunting equipment as long as you have a small game tag. Season for coyotes is open all year as far as i know. Why do you believe its illegal Dan? Am i missing something?
  19. Man, i can smell that from here. Worst. Smell. Ever. Yikes.
  20. Sounds like a great adventure! Gene’s your guy for licensing.
  21. Darryl’s yote definitly has mange. He did him a favour by putting him down. eastern coyote’s are big and puffy this year. I’ve got one hanging in the fur shed right now. He was over 40 lbs and over 5 ft long on the stetcher.
  22. Congratulations to both of you. Thats a pretty nice buck for NY.
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