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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. 1 hour ago, smerchly said:

    I can show you many places where I "used to fish" that are now "no tresspassing " signs .  

    As mentioned years ago , anglers who fish across the border said they noticed they have better law enforcement for trashy people . 

    Just about anywhere in the USA  has much tougher enforcement when it comes to Game and Fish or littering. Many states have minimum fines starting at $500


  2. On 8/4/2023 at 12:42 PM, smerchly said:

    There are people who feed the squirrels ,birds ect. ( bird seed ,  peanuts, bread , left overs) and rats will raid gardens when they are hungry .When I had my huge apple tree I had a zoo here ! We saw 9 rats eating tree fall apples when there was  some snow on the ground. I got rid of the tree and the 2 plastic compost barrels that they chewed through .

    Good luck Bruce ,  maybe they can smell your salsa !

    We had nothing last year. Now they are all over the neighbourhood.  We are getting good at killing the buggers.  Maybe I'll tackle the surplus population of squirrels next.


  3. There has been a new surge in the population in the old Welland/Lake area.  Probably due to them tearing up the water system on Lake, and also the demolition of the Garden City arena. We also have chicken coops in our neighbourhood. Tween the one neighbour and I we have killed over a dozen in the past week. and had way more traps tripped and emptied. I hope the rat candy is having an effect.  This is way worse than the West Hill

  4. 5 hours ago, Bubba14 said:

    Bruce, the police with their feet on the ground are really quick to say that there’s a problem, believe me. If anyone, it’s the higher-ups and politicians who will deny all day long. And our (lack of) a Justice system is the biggest issue. Jail sentences in a Shangri La are a joke and FAR from a deterrent. 

    Street cops are not the problem.  But they have no more say than you or I. 

  5. On 6/11/2023 at 5:37 PM, smerchly said:

    If I was outside in my back yard yesterday I would have heard the shots less than .5 km away . A man and woman were shot at St.Paul St. West & the man is dead and she is in crtical condition ...still looking for the shooter ....getting a little too close to home lately .....  Story in Standard .

    There will be no suspects, and no witnesses.  We have seen a number of gang related shootings here, but the police will never admit to the problem.

  6. On 5/3/2023 at 9:17 AM, Loonietoon1 said:

    January Got hit with a baseball bat (so to Speak) Blood Clot in the Lungs... 3 weeks ago Cancerous Tumor in the Bladder Tumor Remover now got to go back in to have the area scraped and then 6 weeks of treatment. No fun Fishing Season

    I am so sorry to hear that my friend. You focus on getting yourself well.


  7. On 4/29/2023 at 5:03 PM, Port_D_Guy said:

    I wouldn't trust any box store mechanics in general. Best to make good with an independent one. They'll do more to keep you as a loyal customer.

    Problem with a lot of our good independents is they are booked solid weeks in advance, like Cosgroves or Kenirys

  8. been a few years since I was last out in a boat there.   There is a lot more mud flat than most realize.  Many have been stuck and stranded to await rescue in the harbour over the years.  This year will not be a bad year as a high water spring.   In other years those areas marked as 2'  were more likely 6".  The back channel upstream of the rail bridge averages 5' to 6'.


  9. 13 hours ago, Digger said:

    Appreciate the first hand knowledge, used to be a yearly thing for me.

    Then the plant moved to Mexico, most of my friends moved away for work....then Covid

    Now my little guy ain't so little and is interested in fishing, was thinking I'd take him, but quite an expense driving from Welland.

    Too bad it used to be huge with mostly fishing booths, guess ill save my gas money for something else.

    Go to Ancaster swap next Saturday


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