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Everything posted by Port_D_Guy

  1. They can't stop you.
  2. You can usually tell if they're really struggling. Most seem to be younger and able bodied. The panhandling is an organized effort for sure and have their territories marked. Same applies for those collecting cans.
  3. I have a feeling we'll be whooped hard to make up for the past month and a half.
  4. They can get around it to the west of the dam.
  5. 90% of all electrical vehicles are still on the road today. The other 10% made it all the way home.
  6. From what I read, EV sales are down. Tesla being ahead of the rest.
  7. I'm sure there will be lot of chatter on the highways. On 19Truckers would have good info on road conditions/closures, I would imagine. On 9, by emergency services as well. Call it a new hobby.
  8. Nothing local. That's too bad. May have to investigate when I have time off.
  9. Anybody here still use them? Is there a good place to buy one (in person) and get it properly installed? I know Flying J in Fort Erie had lots of stuff a few years ago. As did the Fifth Wheel in Grimsby (RIP) many moons ago. I'd rather start new, I don't trust used electronics.
  10. Don't feel too bad. We received a $200 gift certificate to a restaurant (Terry's Cut Steakhouse) that closed down after a fire and never reopened. Good luck getting that money back. The was a few years ago, but the point is to use them before something unexpected happens and your expense.
  11. Since it is city property they don't have that right to do what they want. They should have had the city involved first and/or applied for those permits to see the reason for rejection. No sympathy.
  12. There is an MNR office in Vineland, north end of Victoria Ave.
  13. I prefer to trout fish there when the cold weather comes in and weeds most of those weekend fishers out.
  14. Fishing was off in general once they started messing with the current. The fish are still there, its just a matter of finding where they are holding. Still waiting for that big rain.
  15. I see security vehicles there from time to time. Once I talked to one of them and asked if it was ok to fish from shore and he said yes. How about on the water? No. "either has a really small fry or really small fish under 5 pounds" OP's words.
  16. Yeah, those 4.5 lb bass are annoying. 😉
  17. Biological clocks will bring them in regardless of temps. But yes, cooler temps and rain will bring more in. USUALLY Thanksgiving weekend, trout and salmon should be on.
  18. Asians carps seem to be very prolific and I'm sure edible, if that's yourthing.
  19. Hence why I said be mindful.
  20. Lots of public access. Just have to mindful of the regs south of QEW.
  21. Start with Google Maps with terrain features. Any outflows have potential. Still early. Need that big cool rain.
  22. I would like to plant more butterfly friendly flowers. Where would one even get milk weed?
  23. USB stick is probably easiest way to move files over. That I know of.
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