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Everything posted by Port_D_Guy

  1. Its probably like the pay parking app HONK!. Register your plate # to your account with billing info. Park and pay kind of thing for whatever time you put in. Or even a season pass for cheapest price. Look at Lakeside Park parking. $3 an hour or $15 for the permit from May to September. If you are a St. Catharines resident, you should not pay a dime.
  2. Best thing about youtube is the fishing, cooking, old wrestling and music channels.
  3. Reduced sun ray intensity at least.
  4. Lots of carp at the pier. Milling around those rocks. I had the odd one following my own jig when I was bringing it in.
  5. That's a good size to catch and land relatively easily compared to the true logs in there.
  6. Yep, only the law abiding are scrutinized and punished.
  7. Fabrication company/facility.
  8. Never owned a fire arm before, but would like to do target shooting. Rifle would be easier to get than pistol. What are the initial steps and how are classes run now?
  9. If you lost one recently let me know the details.
  10. I've only been hooking into bass. Nothing big.
  11. White Bass are like Tuna. Always harassing schools of baitfish and on the move. Birds would be a good visual of where to start.
  12. That's all you can do. Give them a quick release. Its not like they're nesting and you are purposely targeting and sight fishing them. Otherwise, nobody should fish when bass are around. That's nutty!
  13. Treating them is a good start. Not keeping them hooked.
  14. As with a lot of fish, its all about timing and the right spot. Like crappie.
  15. From the videos I've been watching they're catching them in that heavy current you would not normally fish. I noticed in the harbour the alewifes are starting to show. Probably other types of baitfish in as well.
  16. I haven't caught one in a long time. Usually there is a brief window of when they'll show up at the hydro dam. Mostly June was the best time and when bait fish come into the harbour. Are the numbers still there in the area? I heard Dunnville can be good, but only from a boat. Not White Perch....which it can look like, but are from same family https://content.osgnetworks.tv/gameandfishing/content/photos/gaf-whitebassontherun-big.jpg
  17. Its why its not ideal to escalate a situation. You don't know what another is capable of when pressed. The biker could have been in the wrong. Maybe the accused did something to create trouble. Hard to say. ***** I should add that anybody carrying around a knife like that, isn't going to be a stable person.
  18. Have to ask City Hall.
  19. I see somebody secured that remaining dock TO shore. Thanks to who ever did that. I'm sure the boaters appreciate it most.
  20. No idea. Not down there during the winter.
  21. See what happens. So it is a city project then. I didn't think the rowing club would want that there. That dock didn't unbolt itself, so how can it be protected now, if a new one goes in?
  22. 1 hour for each rod, I meant.
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