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Pike thread, post your pics of local Niagara pike


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3 minutes ago, fishingking said:

Holy! I'm going to get a new scale and tape measure tomorrow 😁...I've been ripping myself off for a while now guys!

HA !  Check your scale with a 10 lb. bag of potatoes !   I use my old Rap scale to weigh all kinds of stuff , from propane bottles to weighing up 8 lb. lots of corn for cooking maize .

  My buddy caught a 42" pike near Kapuskasing  and it went 20 lbs on a dial scale . Think it had a beaver inside it .....

  Nice pike for these parts ! 

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Pike weights by length /girth  (average )  

A 45" pike should be 23-24 lbs ..... 

That iced pike looks larger than 23 lbs !  



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18 hours ago, Captain Hooksets said:


That old scale must have some years on it .....actually made in the USA !  .....And it has kg's on it as well !  I  had one like it , and added a larger hook to it to keep the "big ones" from falling off ......

Is there a tape measure in it ? 

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Checking out the weather and winds tomorrow ....may do a pike investigation ......We didn't get all that rain they quoted so the runoff may not be too bad where it usually muddies up the water .

  Checking the winds ,,,,,,,,   we seem to get a lot of easterly winds , even with sunny days , like most of this week . Not good for Lake O .boaters ......or as they say for anglers ....least from the east ...best from the west .   :Gonefishing:

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I had to get my dogs pills on Lake St today ....sooooooo...I packed up the 10' rod with my newly fixed reel , using 3 way /Husky Jerk and did some casting at Port Dal.  A small pike swallowed it completely right up to the 15# leader !  It bled but I got the lure out in a few minutes ....no picture (after seeing that thing fishingking posted !  But it needed to go back pronto to have a chance of surviving . ...it took off nicely and I didn't see it again ....otherwise it would be supper tonight (  couldn't get through to Beamsville F & C yesterday after 3 calls which said to call back in a few minutes )  <_< .But I did pick up a 24 today ...no bottle return ...:angry:

   What a day for a day dream .....Sunshine on my shoulders .....Sunny Days ......    🎶 

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The blood clotted quickly while still removing the two sets of trebles . I held it in the water to see if it would go back slowly or with some steam ....away it went like a bat out of ....a cave .    I fished another hour there before leaving , no sign of it . 

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Pike are wild! I’ve had pike in my live well that I thought I had to keep due to inhaled lures. Some so bad I can’t even see the lure anymore. Put in the live well as planning to filet after the outing. An hour later, open the live well hatch and the lure is floating with an angry pike flying around ready to kill something. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 

I’ve heard Coca Cola stops bleeding fish however I haven’t tested this theory but I know a lot of tournament bass guys always carry a bottle of coke in there boat for this. 

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I'm pinching the barbs on my body baits,   like Rapalas, Kwickfish , Husky Jerks etc . The 10.5' rod is flexible enough to keep the barbless trebles from slipping out . I have done this with my J13 Raps ....may lose the odd one but those trebles hold the fish well if the line is kept tight . 

  Never heard about the cola before ....maybe it will work on me when a pike gets it's revenge .....

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10 hours ago, smerchly said:

I'm pinching the barbs on my body baits,   like Rapalas, Kwickfish , Husky Jerks etc . The 10.5' rod is flexible enough to keep the barbless trebles from slipping out . I have done this with my J13 Raps ....may lose the odd one but those trebles hold the fish well if the line is kept tight . 

  Never heard about the cola before ....maybe it will work on me when a pike gets it's revenge .....

One of the reasons I dont fish often with body baits for pike...if I do..generally I take the middle hook off..sometimes plus change the tail hook to a single hook....may lose the odd fish..but better than dealing with a mouth full of teeth thrashing around with a bunch of hooks too...lol...and I always feel bad when I see a nice fish with a jaw full of trebles... I also have had a few experiences with muskies in the 50 incher plus range...almost get them in...then just open thier mouth....and off!!!!....not even hooked because of taking the extra hooks off...just too stubborn to let the lure go..haha...its all in the fun, specially with a fish you where releasing anyways......now I want to look for some decent size live bait and bobber action .... one of my favorite ways to seek out the toothies....hopefully be able to share some pics soon now that I finish work at 630am mon through fri...in the meanwhile i dont mind you guys rubbing it in with your reports..lol

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I used a Kwickfish which I removed the center treble ....it runs better using a snap-swivel on the eye ....also use a siwash hook on the back of my J13 's .  Even if you are catch and eat , the smaller ones stand a better chance for being on your table a few years later

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On 5/17/2020 at 5:06 PM, fishingking said:

Screenshot_20200517-171116.pngBack at it this morning with bobber and minnows and managed a beauty pike at 37 3/4 " and 7.8 lbs...took me for a few zings on the 6 ft with 6 lb test...and some a$$hoe stripped a bunch of wire and left the coverings there🤬

7.8 kg maybe? I tend to error on the heavy side when I look at my catch 🤥

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This one came in around 27" give or take one.


Very close to the spot where my last pike came from, and on the same Snags created spinnerbait ... I think I have found a winning pattern for one of the bodies of water I fish.



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6 minutes ago, Godfree said:

Caught this floating on Martindale. I saw her follow my spinnerbait and tried a "figure 8" at the boat just for fun. She stalked it and took a swipe at it! Missed her and made a few more casts before she hit.


Nice pike for martindale. Congrats on the catch. 

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  • 1 month later...

Even though I don't have picture, I have story from this morning. Was casting top water around mainly for bass. Had pike hit very close to shore, Had it on for 5 seconds. Had weight to it. I didn't expect it and didn't get good hookset. So I kept on casting the area, went back to same spot. Fish hit again a bit further out and was able to bring it in. Felt heavy and made good runs. I got it to shore. For sure solid 5 lbs. I was ready to take picture with it in water on shore. Would have made nice picture with lure in mouth. But it did a flip and unhooked leaving me with face wet. At least I saw it and clean release. I don't like handling pikes and muskie by the way. 😝

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